香港(亞太區)第17屆鋼琴大賽 I 第6屆紫荊盃弦樂大賽 2021
The 17th Hong Kong (Asia – Pacific) Piano Competition and 6th Bauhinia Cup String Competition

本屆大賽是以著名音樂家貝多芬作品為比賽主題,選手也可以選擇參加「英國倫敦音樂學院LCM和皇家音樂學院ABRSM考試曲目」相應的組別。比賽包括: 鋼琴、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、低音大提琴、弦樂四重奏、弦樂二重奏、弦樂三重奏等。
Competition Judges: Internationally renowned musicians and LCM examiners
Registration deadline:
Deadline for submission of preliminary video:
Online real-time finals:
The 17th Hong Kong (Asia – Pacific) Piano Competition and 6th Bauhinia Cup String Competition organised by Hong Kong Musician Association and China 21 Bureau and supported by London College of Music, University of Wes London and Hong Kong Youth Symphonic Orchestra. It is one of the largest and most credible competitions in Hong Kong and the region. This Competition is divided into three stages: Initial Competition (submitting videos), Final Competition (live online), Awarding Ceremony and Winners’ Concert will be held in 9 January 2022 in the Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
This Competition uses works of the famous musician “Beethoven” as the theme. Contestants can also choose to attend the “LCME and ABRSM Graded Exam Group”. The competition includes piano, violin, viola, cello, double bass, string quartet, string duet, string trio, etc.
19/11/2021 - 21/11/2021
評分標準將以英國倫敦音樂學院(LCM) 考試評審標準為準,有關評審標準,請參閱英國倫敦音樂學院網頁或 查獲有關資料。
The grading standard will be based on the London Conservatory of Music (LCM) examination standard. For the evaluation standard, please click here.
Please download the Competition Brochure here. And we accept Online Registration since 1 June 2021
For any inquiries, please contact
按此WhatsApp 查詢鋼琴大賽 (852) 9637 2274。
Click here to check the Piano Competition (852) 9637 2274 on WhatsApp.
按此WhatsApp 查詢弦樂大賽 (852) 9183 8187。
Click here to check the String Competition (852) 9637 2274 on WhatsApp.
(852) 2886 0589/ (852) 2366-9991
香港(亞太區)第17屆鋼琴大賽 I 第6 屆紫荊盃弦樂大賽 2021
賽事顧問 / 評判 (按英文字母排列)
Advisory Board/ Adjudicator (according to the alphabetical order of the surname)
Professor Bai Ming 白明
Professor of Central Conservatory of Music; Violist;
Former viola member of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Anne Bull
Examiner, London College of Music Examinations
Dr. Chu Ching Hong JP 朱慶虹博士
Chairman of Hong Kong Musician Association
Alexander Chiu 丘英宏
Pianist/Conductor; Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Musician Association
鋼琴家 / 指揮家、香港音樂家協會副主席
Dr. Chiu Kan Claire 趙瑾博士
Professor of Xinghai Conservatory of Music;
Executive Committee Member, Hong Kong Musician Association
Professor Fan Chiang Yi 范姜毅教授
Associate Professor of Taipei National University of the Arts;
Champion of the Piano Competition of the Chopin Society of Hannover, Germany
Dr. June Fileti
Managing Director of the International School of Musicians;
Senior Examiner, London College of Music Examinations
英國倫敦音樂學院主考官、音樂博士、英國 ISoM 總監
Professor Gao Can 高參教授
Internationally renowned violinist; Professor of Central Conservatory of Music; Professor, Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati College
Professor John Howard Emeritus
Professor, University of West London; Ambassador, London College of Music Examinations
Hui Ling 許寧
Pianist; Piano Faculty Member, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Julie Kuok 郭品文
Piano Faculty Member, the Chinese University of Hong Kong & the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts; Steinway Artist; Executive Committee Member, Hong Kong Musician Association
香港演藝學院、香港中文大學鋼琴系導師、Steinway 藝術家、
Liu Shih Kun 劉詩昆
Chief Adjudicator (Piano Competition) 香港 ( 亞太區 ) 鋼琴大賽評判團主席
World-renowned Chinese pianist
3rd Prize of the 1956 Liszt International Piano Competition in Hungary
2nd Prize of the 1958 First Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition in Moscow
1956 年匈牙利李斯特國際鋼琴大賽第三名
1958 年第一屆柴可夫斯基大賽第二名
Robert Langston
Former Examiner of ABRSM, London College of Music
Former Lecturer, MMus Performance, University of West London in Hong Kong
Ruda Lee
Concert Debut at the age of 6 with the World Symphony Orchestra;
Carnegie Hall Recital & Kennedy Center Gala 2015 with YoYo Ma and Pamela Frank in Front of President Obama
六歲已贏得韓國世界交響樂團比賽冠軍;2015 年於甘迺迪中心與大提琴家馬友友、小提琴家法蘭克於美國總統奧巴馬前演奏
Andrew Lin 凌顯祐
Principal Viola, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Professor Liu Xiao 劉霄教授
One of the top ten young violinists in China;
Professor of Central Conservatory of Music
Professor Lu Xiaoyi 呂曉一
Professor of Nanjing University;
Permanent Conductor of Jiangsu University Symphony Orchestra;
Permanent Conductor of Hong Kong Youth Philharmonic Orchestra
Lung Heung Fai Jensen 龍向輝
Violinist; Former Acting Principal of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta
Ng Ka Ming 吳家明
Violinist; Former Senior Music Officer, Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Qi Lin 齊琳
Doctor of Violin Performance, Central Conservatory of Music
Timothy Rogers
Examiner, London College of Music Examinations
Dr. Michael Ryan
Ph D. University of London; Former Course Leader, MMus Performance, University of West London in Hong Kong; Executive Committee Member, Hong Kong Musician Association, Professor HK Baptist University
Ray Wang 王磊
Director and Senior Lecturer of the Youth Music Course of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts; Cellist
Sze Hang Wong 王思恒
Violinist; Second Deputy Director of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Dr. Wu Xiao Feng 武曉鋒博士
DMA University of Michigan; Executive Committee Member, Hong Kong Musician Association
Xu Meng 許萌
Cellist; Principal Viola, Central Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra
Yang Yusi 楊宇思
Ph D., Master of Violin Performance
Merv Young
Head of London College of Music Examinations
Professor Zhu Mu 朱牧
Cellist; Professor of Cello, Central Conservatory of Music
Eddie Zong 宗小謙
Famous performer and educator;
Former Principal of Contrabass, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
英國倫敦音樂學院總監 Merv Young
17th Hong Kong (Asia Pacific) Piano Competition and String Competition
「第六届紫荆盃弦樂大赛 」
Dr. June Fileti